Accepting that your teens are leaving the nest is hard—still, helping them plan the move is harder. Without expert movers in Oklahoma City to guide you, you could end up incurring extra costs, having trouble navigating the new dorm room, or even running into issues with your kid’s new roommates.
To prevent that, here are some college moving lists to help you and your family prepare for this big move.

5 Tips for Moving to College
1. Keep Track of What Everyone’s Bringing
If you get to know your roommates beforehand, reach out and try to organize a meeting with them. By keeping a tally of what each one is moving, you can avoid wasted efforts and share items like kitchenware, rugs, lamps, and furniture.
To avoid conflicts during the move-out process, make sure to take pictures or document which items belong to whom. You can also make a list of what belongs to who in your phone’s notes app.
2. Make Carrying as Easy as Possible
Elevators are rare in dorms, and carrying heavy boxes balanced precariously on your hip makes it difficult to move up and down stairs. So, pack smartly and choose large black trash bags packed with clothing, which are much simpler to toss over your shoulder and dispose of afterward.
When packing items that need to be in a box, try not to pack them too full or heavy because you will most likely be the one doing the heavy lifting.
3. Take Advantage of Pickup Services
Purchasing certain necessities, such as soap and toilet paper, directly is more convenient than carrying them with you. To save time, you should opt for in-store pickup over delivery. In certain stores, you can pay with the app and pick up your purchases right away.
This can save you time, costs for shipping, and baggage fees.
4. Pack Food
That day, you may have exciting plans for a fun lunch and an exploration of campus life, but do not count on it. It will be simpler to just take a 10-minute lunch break and keep working throughout the day because there will be far more work than you anticipated.
Additionally, local shops will be packed with people in situations similar to yours during this on-season for moving.
If you drive, you might want to bring a cooler with snacks and lunch. Another option is to get takeout or make a quick lunch that you can eat while unpacking; you can save the leftovers for a late-night snack.
5. Give Yourself Time to Figure Things Out
Upon your arrival on campus as a freshman, you will have to make some difficult choices, like choosing a major. How are you going to make friends? When attempting to answer these questions, give yourself time.
Start by establishing yourself comfortably. Then, go out to dinner, explore the town, and tour the campus. Give yourself a breather, and take things easy. It’s important to allow yourself to enjoy this new period of your life.

Hire Professional Movers in Oklahoma City
Moving out for the first time in your life can be hard. In this crucial moment in life, focusing on what and how you can bring there isn’t what you need. To avoid stress during these crucial times, hiring professional movers can help you.
Here at Pink Zebra Moving, we’re well-equipped to help you. If you’d like to hear more, reach out!