Moving implies a lot of preparation, including purchasing moving supplies, downsizing the items you no longer use, and finding the best Auburn movers. With so much happening, it can be easy to forget that there are several people you should inform when you’re moving—and that doesn’t mean only friends and family.
Your bank, insurance, and even the government will want to know where you live now. While it may feel overwhelming, changing your address in government documents is not challenging. To help you plan a seamless transition, here’s a breakdown of what you can expect.

What You Need to Do
Postal Service
Before moving, you can inform the post office that you will be moving so that your mail can be sent to your new address. To do so, you can easily go to and change your address online.
You do not need to hire someone to change your address. Some even charge $40 for this service, but you can do this for just a little over a dollar using the “Who is moving?” section of the official website.
If you’re not a fan of technology, you can go to your local post office and ask for the Mover’s Guide packet.
Federal Taxes
To change your address for federal taxes, you can use Form 8822, Change of Address, or Form 8822-B, Change of Address, or Responsible Party-Business. You can also submit a written statement that includes your full name, Social Security number (SSN), ITIN, or EIN, as well as your previous and current addresses. Send it to the address where your previous tax return was filed.
Social Security
You can quickly update your Social Security contact details by signing up on your account and changing the contact information. Depending on the benefit you receive, though, you may need to call them directly to make the change.
Veteran Benefits
If you receive veterans’ benefits, you can update your address in your profile for specific VA benefits and services. However, you will need to contact the department directly because some keep your address in their own records.
If you have submitted an immigration benefit request, any address changes must be reported to USCIS as soon as possible to guarantee that you receive all correspondence and benefits promptly.
Additionally, within ten days of moving, all noncitizens in the US are required to notify USCIS of their address change. Once you relocate, you can quickly and easily submit your change of address via a USCIS online account.
Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration
Most states mandate that you update your driver’s license address within a certain window (typically 10–30 days) following your move. If your state permits it, you can update your address online. Go to the DMV website, complete the application, and send it in.
In certain states, you can mail the DMV your filled-out form and any necessary paperwork. Others require you to visit your local DMV office to complete the process in person. Bring your most recent driver’s license, necessary paperwork, and proof of residency (such as a utility bill).
You should update your vehicle registration simultaneously. Since many states permit you to update your address on both your driver’s license and vehicle registration simultaneously, simply follow the same procedures.
When you turn in your change, be ready to pay any fees associated with updating your driver’s license or vehicle registration.

Plan a Successful Move Alongside Auburn Movers
Changing your address after moving is crucial to ensure all important documents, mail, and packets arrive at your door in time. Address changes can take 7-10 business days, but these times may vary. Proper planning is key to ensure these times don’t disrupt your daily life.
While Pink Zebra Moving can’t change your address in government documents for you, we can provide packing materials, pack for you, and help you plan your move so you have plenty of time to take care of all the bureaucracy. Moving doesn’t have to be harder than it needs to be—find a location near you and call us today for a seamless move!